Currently the Lotus Quickr documentation is only available online.
To read the documentation offline you have two possibilities:
Print the online documentation either to a printer or to a PDF file.
You can do this by clicking on the small arrow which appears when you move the mouse pointer over a topic:
Then you select “Print this topic” or “Print this topic and subtopics”:
A disadvantage is that you only can print 100 topics at one time. So you have to print the whole documentation in smaller pieces.
The other possibility to read the documentation offline is to install the “IBM User Interface Help System built on Eclipse”.
This is the same help system used online but runs on your local PC. You can download the help system here.
After you installed the help system (you will need to have Java installed also) you need to install the Quickr documentation plugins. As far as I know there is currently no official download site available. So in the meantime you can download them from my private FTP server (unfortunately not very fast). I will update the link as soons as it is officially available.
ich wäre an dem ZIP für das IBM Help-System interessiert. Kann ich das bei Ihnen noch herunterladen?
Viele Grüße, Ingo Seifert
Ja, das gibt es noch zum Download. War vermutlich wegen meines Urlaubs offline …. Sollte aber nun wieder funktionieren.