Es ist zwar schon eine ganze Weile her, aber ich will niemanden die Lösung meiner Internet-Probleme mit Unitymedia vorenthalten: Nach dem Austausch meiner alten Unitymedia-Fritzbox 6360 durch eine neue 6490 hatte ich das Problem, dass mehrmals am Tag einfach die
RDP: Problem to connect to Windows 2008 Server
I had problems to connect with RDP (Windows Remote Desktop) from a Windows 7 client to a Windows 2008 Server. Although I used the correct user and password and this user had the rights to connect via RDP, I always
IBM Connections 5.0: Problems with Cognos reports
Issues: Empty page in Community metrics reports [codesyntax lang=”text”]
1 |
Error "SRVE0293E: [Servlet Error]-[icmetricsjobservice]: Client Error SONATA: Internal Server Error @'' |
[/codesyntax] [codesyntax lang=”text”]
1 |
RSV-CM-0005 Content Manager hat für den angeforderten Suchpfad /content/folder[@name='IBMConnectionsMetrics']/package[@name='Metrics']/folder[@name='global']/folder[@name='overview']/report[@name='main']' kein Objekt zurückgegeben. |
[/codesyntax] [codesyntax lang=”text”]
1 |
Failure RSV-CM-0005 Content Manager did not return an object for the requested search path /content/folder[@name='IBMConnectionsMetrics']/package[@name='Metrics']/folder[@name='global']/ |
[/codesyntax] CM-REQ-4342 An error occurred with the client. CM-REQ-4335 An error occurred while updating the object CM-REQ-4341 You do not have adequate
Elektronischer Bilderrahmen
Nachdem meine Mutter sich immer wieder beschwert hat, dass mein Vater sie nicht informiert, wenn wir Bilder per Mail geschickt oder über Facebook gepostet haben (sie selber hat mit Technik nix am Hut und nimmt keinen PC, Tablet etc. in
Cognos (IBM Connections ): security.authz.AccessException
When accessing the Metrics application first time after login, an is thrown for each user in SystemOut.log of the Cognos server. The exception is thrown when accessing “Global Metrics” (using an authorized user) as well as “Community Metrics” (using any community
Google kicked me out of the index …
Since the beginning of October Google seems to have kicked me out of their index. At least most pages, including the startpage, are no longer listed. To be honest I have no glue what has happened. I do not see
uBlock Origin – HTML Firewall for your browser
Highly recommended … Not only to block ads in your browser but also to block malware which often comes via adware networks. Replaced all extensions like Adblock Plus and other privacy extensions in my browser. Available for Chrome and Firefox. Link
IBM Connections Cognos: build-all.bat failed after migrating from Connections 4.5 CR5 to 5.0 CR2
Customer upgraded Connections from 4.5 CR5 to 5.0 CR2 and also introduced Cognos with the new environment. After migrating the data I tried to run the “build-all.bat” script to recreate all cube data. However that script failed without any meaningful
IBM Connections: Disable IBM Connections Content Manager (CCM)
A customer wanted to temporarily disable the already installed IBM Connections Content Manager (CCM) component. Here are the steps to do that: On Deployment Manager, start WSADMIN client:cd /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/Dmgr01/bin ./ -lang jython -user _websphere_admin user_ -password _password of wasadmin user_
Installing TDI 7.1.1 on Windows Server 2012
If you try to install IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator (TDI) V7.1.1 on Windows 2012 Server you might see the following error message: [codesyntax lang=”text”] ZeroGu2: Windows DLL failed to load at ZeroGa2.b(DashoA10*..) at ZeroGa2.b(DashoA10*..) at com.zerog.ia.installer.LifeCycleManager.b(DashoA10*..) at com.zerog.ia.installer.LifeCycleManager.a(DashoA10*..) at com.zerog.ia.installer.Main.main(DashoA10*..)