I did have the problem that if someone uploaded a file to a CCM library within a Community, the Activity Stream entries for “Recent Updates” and the users homepage did not appear immediately but appeared only the next day at
Issue with IBM Connections 5.5 CCM file download via HTTP server
I tried to configure file download via HTTP server for IBM Connections Content Manager (CCM) as described in the IBM Connections 5.5 info center. However, changing the “fncs-sitePrefs.properties” file in the “FNCS_HOME/configure/explodedformat/fncs/WEB-INF/classes” directory and restarting Filenet and FNCS application did
IBM Connections: Disable IBM Connections Content Manager (CCM)
A customer wanted to temporarily disable the already installed IBM Connections Content Manager (CCM) component. Here are the steps to do that: On Deployment Manager, start WSADMIN client:cd /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/Dmgr01/bin ./wsadmin.sh -lang jython -user _websphere_admin user_ -password _password of wasadmin user_
FileNet Content Navigator: “CIWEB2039 – The AccePlugin plug-in contains errors”
After upgrading IBM Connections 5.0 to 5.0 CR2 and upgrading the FileNet Content Navigator you see the error “CIWEB2039 – The AccePlugin plug-in contains errors” if you try to load the ACCE (Filenet Admin Console). To resolve that, add the
IBM Connections: Installing Connections with LDAP user
If you are using a user from the LDAP for installing IBM Connections make sure that you are using the specified login name (e.g. “uid”) of that user and NOT the full distinguished name (DN). Otherwise you might have trouble