I just needed to migrate all mails from a Google mail account to a Dovecot IMAP server. I did this with a tool called “Imapsync“. I just wanted to synchronize all mails from the Google sent mail folder to the
Google kicked me out of the index …
Since the beginning of October Google seems to have kicked me out of their index. At least most pages, including the startpage, are no longer listed. To be honest I have no glue what has happened. I do not see
Forwarding mails to Google Account
All my mails are received by my own mail server and are then forwarded to my Google account (as I am using Google Mail as my mail client). Unfortunately if you just forward mails with POSTFIX you might also forward
Sychronize Google Contacts with Thunderbird
To synchronize Google Contacts with Thunderbird I used Google Contacts in the past. It seemed that this add-on no longer worked for me with the newest Thunderbird version. So I looked around a bit and found a replacement which seems to
IBM Connections Search plugin for Google Chrome
Anybody using Google Chrome as browser to access IBM Connections? Then you might want to download QuickSearch for IBM Connections from the Chrome webstore: The IBM Connections QuickSearch plugin let you quickly search for users or content within IBM Connections,
My Google Reader Replacement
I have made my decision in regard to a Google Reader (R.I.P.) replacement:Backend (hosted at my provider): Fever… Gepostet von Michael Urspringer am Donnerstag, 15. August 2013
Replacement for Google Reader
As Google Reader will disappear starting July 1st, I was looking for an alternative as I am still reading many RSS feeds on a regular basis. I looked at Feedly first, which looks quite ok especially if they really will