If you do have more than one windows PC on your desk, you might find “Mouse Without Borders” helpful. It does allow you to share one keyboard and one mouse with up to 4 PCs and also share clipboard content
Change Language in Windows 7 Home and Professional
Microsoft does only allow to change the system language of Windows for Windows 7 Enterprise and Ultimate via the GUI. If you would like to change the language in Windows 7 Home and Professional you need to do that manually
Microsoft ärgert einen langjährigen, zahlenden Kunden
Facebook-Post: http://www.facebook.com/michael.urspringer/posts/10151612623357157 [fb-post href=”http://www.facebook.com/michael.urspringer/posts/10151612623357157″] Die einzige Lösung, die MS dazu einfällt: Schicken Sie uns ihre Original-CD. Nun, mache ich. Auf die Gefahr hin, dass ich nachher gar nichts mehr in der Hand habe. Dann gibt es aber richtig Ärger. So
Running Windows Sysinternals Tools Online